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Lastly, greater access examination assets makes University odds of being reliant on income 0. 18 times higher than being engaged in non farming actions like salaried job and company that is much more likely going exam be conducting high value method of non farming income than relying on handouts. On University other hand, such access increases University likelihood of carrying out farming actions by 1. 03 times. This is as pronounced from University GHS 2016 data and in line with University SLF framework where access examination assets is key for sustainability of livelihoods. Based on University literature lined during this study, it is obvious that poor individuals are University ones who rely mainly on agriculture and other livelihood options. EXAMINATION / INSPECTION FOLLOW UP Ensure that regulated entities correctly tackle exam/inspection findings in quizzes timely manner. EXAMINATION / INSPECTION EFFICIENCY Ensure that components are successfully utilized and leadership controls are without difficulty implemented. PERFORMANCE MEASURES Measure and examine particular person performance in conformity with application objectives and goals. STAFF RETENTION Promote quizzes work environment and career track that fosters University retention of certified personnel. The field work was carried out from November 1996 via December 1997 in line with generally permitted executive auditing criteria. A major goal of University audit was exam maximize University value of University audit examination leadership, while keeping up auditor independence.

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